Repeat Al – Caracas – Venezuela
11 February – 4 April 2010
Repeat All is conceived as a journey through 15 video works or video installations, with the idea of representing, through international and Venezuelan video works from the last decade, a vast panorama of approaches with content of an excellent artistic and production quality. The approach used in the selected works has consisted of bringing together narrative, contemplative or simply radical works.
The diverse origins of the participating artists allow for the confrontation of different cultures and their dialectics of influence, providing a broader vision, both in geographical and narrative terms. In this sense, each artist has used his or her own language and has narrated various events of both political and cultural contingency, whether incorporating new technologies or reflecting real and complex behaviours through classical themes,
Repeat All is an itinerant and mouldable exhibition that was born in collaboration with two independent cultural entities, one in Switzerland ” Toit du Monde ” and the other in Barcelona and Buenos Aires ” KBB ” (Kültur Büro Barcelona/Buenos Aires). The first presentation of the project was made in September 2006 in the framework of the Biennial “IMAGES 06” in Vevey, Switzerland, and then it was presented at MATUCANA 100, in Santiago de Chile in March and April 2007 and at the MIS in Sao Paulo in February and March 2009. In 2010 it arrives in Caracas.
The exhibition in this new phase includes works by:
Carlos Amorales (Mexico)
Alejandro Vidal (Spain)
Hassan Khan (Egypt)
Sanna Kannisto (Finland)
PinkTwins (Finland)
Mark Formanek (Germany)
Santiago Sierra (Spain)
John Bock (Germany)
Muntean/Rosenblum (Austria/Israel)
Sean Snyder (USA)
Jaime Castro (Venezuela)
Alexander Apóstol (Venezuela)
Cao Guimarães/Rivane Neuenschwander (Brazil)
Gisela Motta/Leandro Lima (Brazil)
In contrast to the title of the exhibition, in which everything should logically remain the same and be repeated, the idea of formalising changes and mutations during the exhibition’s itinerancy has become more than necessary, as this project is a living and open process. This “work in progress” that is updated depending on the physical space in which it is presented, the geographical or political situation in which it takes place, and the artists’ trajectory or new encounters along the way, gives the project an energetic and flexible aspect. Likewise, after these last two shows in Sao Paulo and Caracas, it could be feasible for the Brazilian and Venezuelan artists to be selected and presented in other spaces in another country if the next institution hosting the project has sufficient equipment and spaces. If the exhibition’s itinerary does not necessarily denote a fixed theme, what we do manage to perceive are the possibilities and freedom that video provides as means of artistic expression..
The the Repeat All exhibition project at Centro Cultural Chacao, Venezuela, was made possible thanks to the support of the Centro Cultural Chacao, Servicio Cultural de la Ciudad de Vevey (Switzerland), Loterie Romande, the Spanish Embassy in Caracas, the Spanish Ministry of Culture and the Institut Ramon Llull, the AECID, the Goethe Institut in Caracas, KBB, Toit du Monde, Datenstrudel (Berlin) and the galleries Maureen Paley (London), Klosterfelde (Berlin), Chantal Crousel (Paris), Prometeo (Milan), Peter Kilchmann (Zurich), Lisson (London), Kurimanzutto (Mexico), Nara Roesler (Sao Paulo) and Distrito 4 (Madrid).
Alejandro Vidal Apóstol Carlos Amorales Castro Democracy Guimarães Hassan Khan John Bock Lima Montean/Rosenblum Motta Neuenschwander Repeat all Sanna Kannisto Santiago Sierra Snyder