Doma, Doma_17

English, Spanish
ISBN: 978-987-45-7832-7
Hardcover, 20,7 cm x 26 cm
212 pages
195 color

Published by KBB
Authors: DOMA, Enrique Longinotti, Lutz Henke, Pictoplasma, Rafael Cippolini, Rafael Schacter, Rodrigo Alonso, Rodrigo Piza, Wooster Collective
Edited by Sigismond de Vajay

“DOMA_17” is a retrospective publication that brings together in chapters, in a dynamic and graphic way, the most important projects of this collective carried out between 1998 and 2015. Along with texts from eight guest authors, the book covers every creative moment of this group with humor and freshness.

DOMA is a collective of artists from Buenos Aires that burst onto the local public art scene in 1998 through stencils, urban interventions and absurd campaigns.
From the beginning, they developed a style characterized by an acid and crazy vision of reality. Over time they developed beyond the two dimensions, creating universes, characters, animations, even complex devices of great scale. They use irony and different disciplines to carry out their projects, currently focusing on installation art, the creation of objects, dioramas and new formats.

The essence of Doma focuses on experimentation and the COLLABORATIVE. It was this energy that kept the original group and all the collaborating friends together and made this development possible.

With time, Doma became an entity that took its own life, developed, reproduced and marked its new rules and paths; beyond its members who have been feeding this creative beast for more than a decade and a half.

Price:  40 USD
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