Mariana Telleria, Cosas / El Mundo No Existe

Mariana Telleria, Cosas / El Mundo No Existe

English, Spanish
ISBN: 978-987-783-993-7
Softcover, 21 x 26 cm vertical
198 pages + 6 covers
180 color y B & N reproductions
Special aspects: triple cover, 5 gatefold spreads and two books in one

Published by KBB
Authors: Claudio Iglesias, Florencia Qualina, Manuel Quaranta, Alejo Ponce de León
Edited by Vanina Scolavino

“Cosas y El mundo no existe” is the first book by the Argentine artist Mariana Telleria that brings together a selection of works made between 2003-2018. The edition operates not only on the different critical approaches around her work but also as a mirror of the lyrical materialism that characterizes in general terms her productions. Her art reconstructs the transition from the idea to the thing and from the thing to the idea, so the book, as an object, recovers and translates Telleria’s special processual and conceptual logic, reflected in the dynamics, order, and materiality proposed by the publication.

Price:  35 USD
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Photo credit : Gian Paolo Minelli

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