Matías Duville, Hogar

Matías Duville, Hogar

English, Spanish
ISBN: 978-987-45783-1-0
Hardcover, 15 cm x 21 cm
168 pages
50 reproductions

Published by KBB
Autor : Santiago G. Navarro and Rodrigo Moura
Edited by Sigismond de Vajay

“Hogar” is Matias Duville’s third book, it is a “boutique book” that reflects a specific project he did in the Argentinean Pampa as part of the Guggenheim grant. It contains a first part that gathers a series of photographs taken by the artist, which document the metamorphosis of his intervention, a house deployed in the field. And a second part “transfer block” that gathers a facsimile of his drawing notebook in which he recorded ideas and inspirations directly related to the project. Throughout the book there is an extensive essay by Santiago Garcia Navarro, and a short text by the Brazilian curator Rodrigo Moura.

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