English, Spanish
ISBN: 978-3-03764-081-4
Hardcover, 17 cm x 24 cm
408 pages

Published by JRP and KBB
Authors: Andrea Giunta, Chautémoc Medina, Pedro Donoso, Martí Peran
Designed by : Baldinger, Vu-Huu, Atelier de conception visuelle
Edited by Sigismond de Vajay

“Of bridges & borders” is a project in a book form. It brings together artists and writers, combines a range of singular positions, chronicles contributions whose formats vary as widely as their content, and aims to create new readings by proximity, difference, comparison, and contradiction.

Chronologically, it spans the period after the fall of the Berlin Wall to the present ; conceptually, it contains a broad range of works made in a variety of media, all of them dynamically joined in a manner that consciously contrasts with the traditional encyclopedia structure.

Featuring contributions of 34 artists and 4 authors including among them, Chris Burden, Thomas Hirschhorn, Santiago Sierra, Antoni Muntadas, Liam Gillick, Tomas Saraceno, Carsten Nicolai, Dr. Lakra, Elmgreen & Dragset, Carlos Amorales, Guillermo Kuitca, Matias Duville, Andrea Giunta, Chautémoc Medina, Pedro Donoso, Martí Peran, etc. “Of bridges & borders” attempts to reflect a contemporary global memory in a free art world with more bridges than borders.

Artists: Gnasi Aballí, Carlos Amorales, Erick Beltrán, John Bock, Chris Burden, Santiago Cirugeda/ Recetas Urbanas, Matias Duville, Gardar Eide Einarsson, Elmgreen & Dragset, Carlos Garaicoa, Liam Gillick, Fabrice Gygi, Diango Hernández for Mouse on Mars, Thomas Hirschhorn, Hassan Khan, Guillermo Kuitca, Dr. Lakra, Lang/Baumann, Claude Lévêque, Nicola López, Jorge Macchi, Josep-Maria Martín, Gianni Motti, Antoni Muntadas, Ishmael Randall Weeks, Muntean/Rosenblum, Carsten Nicolai

Price: 63 USD
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