English, Spanish
ISBN: 978-987-25079-0-9
Hardcover, 17 cm x 21.5 cm
128 pages
63 color

Published by KBB
Authors: Pedro Donoso A
Edited by Paula Galli, Sigismond de Vajay

“Nouveaux Desastres” gathers 63 drawings/watercolors made in 2008 and 2009 by Sigismond de Vajay for the exhibition presented in Zavaleta Lab Gallery in Buenos Aires. Very nicely designed by Paula Galli, the publication has a “côté boutique” that contrast well with the theme.
The beauty of an airplane in flames crossing the skies, the startling second of silence before the collapse of a building, the somber splendor of the voracious fire and its columns of smoke: both dreadful and riveting scenes of death and destruction, our small everyday Apocalypses. Through the work of Sigismond de Vajay, we can contemplate the devastation of matter, the mortal phallic lust of big missiles, the collapse of technology and its drive to dominate the world. What could be a sensationalist and morbid exhibition is, instead, a subtle and moving experience. Vajay’s delicate watercolors convey a healthy sarcasm that goes beyond the pessimistic campaign of fear orchestrated by the media. These “Nouveaux Desastres” show the symphonic beauty of the destruction of all things, without forgetting the unavoidable environmental impact caused by men and their big toys. As Werner Herzog stated, “The collapse of the stellar universe will occur –like creation– in grandiose splendor.” 
Pedro Donoso A.

Price:  35 USD
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