This Is the End, Cover Art by H5

This Is the End, Cover Art by H5

ISBN: 978-3-03764-011-1
Softcover, 27 cm x 27 cm
244 pages
194 color / 107 b/w

Published by jrp I editions
Authors: Alexis Bernier, Adrian Shaughnessy, Yorgo Tloupas
Edited by deValence

Cover art (Graphic design of record covers)

Since the mid-1990s, H5 have realized numerous record covers and visuals for both small labels and majors (Sony, V2, BMG, Naïve, Virgin, Source, Solid, Record Makers, Pamplemousse, Missive, La Fondation, Denote Ltd, 20000ST, Small, EMI, Prototyp Record, Diamond Traxx, Choice, Born to Kill, Island), thus accompanying the development of French electronic music—what the British critics called the “French Touch.” Ludovic Houplain and Antoine Bardou-Jacquet (H5’s founders, soon joined by Hervé de Crécy) started by making sleeves for their friends Etienne de Crécy and Alex Gopher, using typography rather than photographs and an economical two-color aesthetic—which finds one of its most striking examples in the “Superdiscount” cover for Etienne de Crécy. Their video clip for “The Child” by Alex Gopher, a typographic animation, soon became a reference of this new style and led to their collaboration with Röyksopp, Goldfrapp, or Massive Attack. Advertising contracts for brands such as Audi, Volkswagen, Dior, or Yves Saint Laurent came in the 2000s and allowed the company to continue growing while working their ambitious project, “Logorama,” a short film entirely built with existing logos and characters associated with a brand, which was released at the Cannes Film Festival.

The book focuses on their work for the music industry, especially with bands associated with the “French Touch.” It includes their major realizations in the field as well as several essays and an interview discussing their work politics and aesthetic breakthrough. It comes with an original record, released on this occasion by musicians Alex Gopher, Air, and de Crécy & Darkel.

Price: 50 USD
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