Graciela HasperGustav Metzger – Writings (1953–2016)OF BRIDGES & BORDERS VOL. IILoris Gréaud, Cellar DoorWade Guyton, Black PaintingsThe Encyclopedia of Fictional Artists and The AdditionSubodh Gupta, Common ManPiero Golia, Desert InterviewsYann Gross, HorizonvilleOF BRIDGES & BORDERS VOL. IRenée Green, Ongoing Becomings. Retrospective 1989-2009Utopics, Systems and LandmarksFabrice Gygi, A ManualAloïs GodinatThis Is the End, Cover Art by H5Loris Gréaud, Cellar Door (Una ópera de un nuevo género)Vidya Gastaldon, Call It What You LikeMigros Museum für Gegenwartskunst, Collection/Sammlung 1978–2008Pre-Specifics, Some Comparatistic Investigations on Research in Design and ArtFabrice GygiFabrice Gygi, Gygi & Gas – Thirty-one Years of ExchangeLiam Gillick, Factories in the SnowLiam Gillick, Proxemics Selected Writings (1988–2006)Rodney Graham, The Rodney Graham SongbookLiam Gillick, Woven/Intersected/RevisedFabrice Gygi, Common Ground 26/26